Planning + Timing when Emotionally Defined

You see when you are emotionally defined your decision-making process shifts a bit. If you are not feeling whatever it is at that moment, don’t expect your results to be stellar. So how do you plan + structure your business when you are defined?

Understanding Your Emotional Wave Has anyone ever told you you’re moody?  I feel ya!  We all have our ups + downs, but being emotionally defined can directly affect whether we have a positive or negative outcome on our decision-making process.  It means that our feelings  50% of us are emotionally defined, meaning we have an emotional authority, or our […]

Marketing with Your Profile So, what does your Human Design Profile have to do with your marketing strategies?  Everything!  It can tell you what your audience really wants from you? What is the best, most natural thing for you to share to build that aligned audience that will buy from you?  Yep, I’m talking about marketing your services […]

5 Ways to access your sacral authority For us Generators + Manifesting Generators, sometimes getting a clear response for our sacral authority can be challenging! If you’re frustrated that nothing is working out the way you want it to, or tired of the push to make things happen only to get “meh” results, then let me share another way to knowing […]

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