Trust the Force

Trusting The force Cristy Nix Human Design blog

You can’t know everything, can you? All the time?
I feel like it is part of the magic that is in all of us.  Even my husband who is super logical + refuses to acknowledge he is quite intuitive (tech nerd) using it often to problem solve. 

We are all wired to be highly intuitive in some way.  Some are more practical than others like creative problem solvers. 

What’s cool is that your intuitive abilities often show up in your human design chart, too. Like proof that you are wired to receive information in this way. 

It is even more powerful when you follow your basic strategy and authority.
You just have to know where to look and what to expect. Then when it comes to you, follow it. Sounds simple, but can be far from easy, right?!

How to get out of our own way using our Intuition

Lately in the Soulful Aligned Facebook Group, we have been talking a lot about responding by our human design strategy to make decisions in our own aligned time to be in the right place.  We’ve realized that being in alignment on purpose creates more flow + ease in manifesting what we really want, both in our work […]

Do your Human Design Centers have a voice?

How do your Human Design Centers sound to you?       It feels like I’ve always been able to hear voices in my head.      Call me crazy, but my Intuitive Guidance often comes to me in very short, succinct, emotionless sentences.      In studying Human Design, I’ve become more aware of all the Clairaudience […]

Timing is Everything

One thing I am becoming very aware of in practicing my Human Design is when my root center feels when it is on or off.  Our root center is the anchoring force of the Human design system.  The root center is the center for Divine Timing, or knowing when you have the energy to get […]

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