Manifesting Generators Can't Initiate (or can we?)

Ok, got something I feel I need to clarify as Manifesting Generators in business.  We can initiate…just not an action.


This little rant is inspired (me responding) to a product that I saw for building your audience created by a projector (no offence to my Projector friends), and I wanted to clarify this because being a Manifesting Generator, it’s been one of the hardest challenges for me to figure out how to do correctly.


First, let me refresh some HD basics…a little background if you are new to Human Design.

In Human Design, a Manifesting Generator is the combination of Manifestor and Generator. However, the one thing we do NOT do well is initiate action.  

Why?  Cuz that is pushing to make something happen like starting the ball rolling downhill by kicking it. Not your job.

Now it IS a Manifestor’s job to initiate. You are able to get that ball rolling by simply telling (not asking permission) to the right people informing them you’re going to kick that ball rolling + BAM, everyone then moves out of the way for you to do just that. By speaking your truth, you can initiate action either on your part or someone else as long as you tell everyone who will be impacted first so they get out of the way.

As a generator type, we are designed to respond to things from outside of us. As a Manifesting Generator we can get things started, but the best way for us to do that is by asking questions using our defined throat.   

So when you are building your audience, the best thing that I have found to do that is to ask questions. 

What would those look like?

Being a generator type we can use our defined sacral to ask questions on thighs that light us up or get us excited like questions that are “Yes/no” answers is ideal to get a majority of your audience who is probably also generator to respond. However, if you are emotionally defined (solar plexus is colored in) then try asking how people feel about your topic.  Since us emotionally driven are usually working from a place typically emotionally based, the question is all about how you feel.  


Like:  Are you in the mood? Does this feel right?


If you are Manifesting Generator, have you seen this in yourself? 

So, I’m curious if you’ve discovered how you initiate well by conversation and how it goes when you initiate action when you are indeed not responding to something from outside of you. 

Want to know more about what marketing tactics work best for you?  Check out the Marketing by your type cheat sheets here>>> 

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