I hear you!  I feel we are all divinely designed to feel successful, satisfied + loved 
in all that we do, especially in our business. 
Same with how we put ourselves out into the world 
via marketing, business strategy, and attracting ideal clients. 
When you feel pushed, frustrated, or bitter about what’s going on in your business, 
it’s a sign that you’re not doing it in the best way for you as an individual.
But, there is NO one-size-fits-all solution.
You are a unique, complex soul-preneur looking for an easier way to 
connect + attract more ideal clients who love who you are + what you do.
I mean, who doesn’t want an email list of Super fans who will buy whatever you create?

Welcome to The Soulful Aligned Entrepreneur!



This is where Intuition + Human Design come together. 
Intuition is your own unique inner knowing + quiet guidance system
 here to help us know what to do next.
Our Human Design is a unique energetic blueprint that shows us 
how we are wired to create, connect, and communicate best
to make our work flow with grace + ease.


Ready to get started?

Human Design + Intuition by Cristy Nix


What is Human Design +  what does it have to do with your Intuition?

Learning how to use my intuition in my business on purpose 

changed how I do everything in my business. 

Now, since studying + applying Human design as my business roadmap,

 I feel my business is growing + expanding with grace + ease.

You gotta try it!!

How does your Intuition come to you?


In this quick quiz, you’ll discover your Primary Intuitive Language, 
or how your intuition shows up most easily for you.
Then I’ll share where more of your intuitive gifts show up 
in your Human Design chart!  Curious, right?  


Intuition quiz by cristy nix
work with me

So, how can we make your business easier?

Grab a Clarity Session, Group Class, or 1 on 1 session here.  

Let’s explore your options on how you can grow your business

 with a bit more Grace + Ease!

You are naturally wired to grow your business in your own aligned way, simpler, easier + so much more like YOU!

What my clients are saying...

"You are the real deal!"

It was fantastic. I am so busy right now. I really needed to put myself out there more and ask for work – which I did – and I am booked…. you are the real deal. Thank you so much!

"Sheer Excitement!"

I found it incredibly Divine that, without knowing my interest in writing and my recent thoughts about writing a book, you listed the word “book” as part of my plan. That was just more reinforcement for me to move in that direction.


"There were many "A-ha!" moments..."

I definitely loved all your insight and there were many a-ha moments…I found it really encouraging and enlightening, to be honest!

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