Responding to the Universe

Are you responding “YES!” to the Universe?
I know it kinda sounds like common sense, but you’d be surprised how often we forget to respond “YES!”
What I mean is, you know when you get a great thought that pops into your head, and it makes you all excited. You’re thinking “man, I’d love to have that/be that/do that!”
THAT is when I want you to Say “YES” to Universe.
Why? Because when the thought pops in it is Universe saying, “hey, I’ve ordered this for you…do you want it?”
“Hell Yes, I want that!” You can feel it in your Gut, in your Heart, in your Soul.
Because manifesting is a co-creating process with the Universe. You need to respond.  As a Generator type in Human Design (Get your chart here to find out your type), we are designed to wait + respond to things outside of us…but that is when the package arrives at the door.
First, we have to tell Universe we want it.  It may be a request or intention backed by excited emotion without doubting it’s possible.
But it all starts with an idea. A love note of possibility from the universe.
So, how do you say yes?
I respond in my head or out loud using a simple statement.
“THAT would be awesome!”
Then let it go like you hit send in your email + move on to the next thing that’s grabbing your attention.
Because that is the confirmation Universe needs to be sure you’ll see it when  they send it into your human reality.
THEN you can respond to it when it shows up at your door, cuz you can always change your mind!
Oh, and don’t dwell on it coming or get caught up in researching how it will come or what it will look like. Just trust it will show up when it’s the right time.
Does this resonate with you? LMK so I can share more content like this.

With Grace + Ease, 

Cristy Nix Intuition + Human Design
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