How To Plan when you are Emotionally Defined

Are you Emotionally Defined, too?

I don’t know about you, but any planning in my business has always been hard for me to think about much less actually do. Even planning out my social media for the week is a challenge (Just ask my admin).
Why? Cuz I’m emotionally defined or have emotional authority.  In my Human Design chart, it’s my solar plexus that governs how I process emotions at any given time. This means everything has to be rather fluid, changing in a moment from feeling “absolutely “ to “Nah” so fast it will give you whiplash.
You see when you are emotionally defined your decision-making process shifts a bit. If you are not feeling whatever it is at that moment, don’t expect your results to be stellar.
I see this all the time with my social media posts. I’m a Manifesting Generator, so I am usually maintaining several platforms at one time since multi-tasking is part of my natural state of being.  God bless my admin. She must think me nuts sometimes! 
I can plan all I want, but I have to be flexible + allowing, knowing that it is my nature to ditch an idea last minute and move on the something else if I’m not feeling it.
Like teaching a class. I’ve had several coaches tell me to plan out 3 to 6 months at a time.
Nope. It’s a waste of my time.
Sure I can tentatively plan a whole year out, but I have to give myself permission to change my mind.
For us who are defined, our emotions are what turns what we attract into our reality.
Since it’s our emotions govern the frequency of what we want to attract, so it follows that when we come from a place sharing what we are really feeling it really draws the right people in. 
Like if you share a new perspective on marketing that you get really excited over, or pissed about is what is going to pull others to us of like energy, yes?
Think about it. You wake up and immediately feel like things are a bit harder today. You spill your coffee, have to change clothes, now you’re late + you cannot find your car keys…damn, it’s going to be that kind of day.
Then you get into the car and your fav song comes on the radio. You start to shift your energy + let go of what was clouding around you.  After a minute you find yourself singing at the top of your lungs.
You get to your destination feeling good + to find your mood has shifted!  Looking to park, you get a parking space up front.  A sign things HAVE shifted back to the right place/right time.
Then some kind soul opens the door for you + your day just flows happily from there!
You just experienced your emotional solar plexus just shifting frequency from repelling to attracting.  Done.
So how do you plan + structure your business when you are defined?
First, follow your strategy.
Being an MG, I need to respond to what comes up outside of me that inspires me.
Oh, and all of the gates coming off your Solar Plexus has their own frequency, meaning it will influence your experiences that trigger an emotional response.
For example, my defined gate is g22, grace which means for me before I say anything I need to check in + wait until it’s the best time, or I won’t be heard. 
So when I’m planning what I’m posting for the week, classes I’m wanting to do for the month or even looking at my 3-month plan, I have to cut myself some slack knowing something could change in a moment, and pivoting is our specialty.  
I remind myself that if I’m not feeling it, move it to the back burner.  Don’t ditch it completely cuz there’s a reason it came to you, it’s just not time yet. You’ll feel a click of clarity when it is time, but it might be a while so don’t beat yourself up about it.
Emotionally Defined Solar Plexus
So if you want to plan out your next few days, weeks, months of business, do it. Just allow yourself the ability to shift gears + change your mind + move stuff around.
It is your inner authority giving you the heads up of what’s going to resonate + attract people to you.
If you want some insight into what to do next to get you moving towards where you want to be, let’s have a session.
Chat soon!

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Grab a Clarity Session, Group Class, or 1 on 1 session here.  Let’s explore your options to grow your business with Grace + Ease!

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