Cristy Nix, intuitive business coach, HD

Responding like a Manifesting Generator

In Human Design, I’m an emotionally defined Manifesting Generator.

Manifesting Generators make up 35% of the population and are a subset of the Generator types who make up 70% of the population on the planet which means most of you reading this are probably a generator type.

Our strategy is to wait until there is something outside of us to respond, then inform, envision + take action…but it’s actually a bit more complicated than that.  We often don’t realize we’re doing it since it is second nature to us, so when I noticed a pattern (hello gate 44) I thought I would share.

This is a real-life example of what it looks like for me to respond as an Mgen.

It’s a Monday and I realize I’m hungry. I have an idea pop into my head.

Tacos sound good!

So, I check in with my authority (emotional solar plexus) and it feels like a good time to go, so I head downstairs.


When I get downstairs I announce to my family that I’m thinking tacos. (informing)


I ask, “anyone else interested?” using a question to start a conversation (MGen superpower).


They respond (my family is made up of 2 generators + a projector)
“yes, that sounds good!”


Then they ask me if they can get some, too.
I respond “yep”.
So, I write down what they want and go get it.


The drive-thru line is empty, the order is correct, and everyone gets what they want super fast.


Done. In Alignment. Hope that helps!!


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