Cristy Nix, intuitive business coach, HD

Gemstones + Your Human Design

Human Design and Gemstones
Ever wonder what gemstones resonate + 
support you in your Human Design Experiment?
 I have, so I created a cheat sheet of common gemstones you’ve probably already heard of.
They are ready + accessible to support your energy as you explore + start living your Human Design.
I wear mine as Intentional Jewelry!

Why Gemstones?

  Ever since I was a little kid, I LOVED Rocks!
  Especially if they were shiny!
  I’d collect them from everywhere I went + kept them at home in a special box.
  Now, I actually connect + share their energy intentionally to help support me + my business.
As a Spiritually-Minded Jeweler for the last 20 years, I’m still fascinated with the energy + Spirit of the stones. . 
  Gemstones helped me connect to self jumpstarting me on my own Spiritual path! 
  What I’ve realized is that the stones have their own energy that naturally lends itself to us as humans living our Human Design experiment.
  They cannot change our energy, but just simply offer theirs to co-exist + mingle with ours.  

 It’s rather beautiful, really.

Why Human Design + Gemstones?

  With my own Human Design Experiment, I have found that certain stones will support + even magnify my emotions, thoughts, + intentions.
  I notice my words are clearer + I communicate in more of a flow when I’m wearing my Blue Topaz Bracelet set in Sterling Silver.
  And when I do readings, work on the website or need some creative boost,  different gemstone jewelry helps amplify what I feel I need that day.  It’s amazing how it works!
Labradorite + Human Design
  So, it doesn’t matter what your intentions are: the stones are only here to protect, help + support you in your endeavors.
They have the natural power to heal, support, and change the world beyond what we know. 
Curious? Grab your copy of the Human Design + Gemstone Cheat Sheet and start boosting your energy today!
Already have the cheat sheet?  Then grab an HD + Gemstone Consult. 
You’ll be happy you did!!

Exciting Stuff!

Cristy Nix Intuition + Human Design


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