So, what is a Feeling Intuitive?

A Feeling Intuitive:


Is often called Clairsentient and can feel emotions and/or physical sensations in their bodies.  Often from those around them, you have great insight into feeling if someone is physically hurt or in pain, unwell, angry, happy, or any other sensitive state.  You can also sense others’ moods and emotional well-being. 

Below are a few ways you can “read + connect” with others around you using this gift.  

Remember that not all of these will apply to you.  Take what resonates and let go of the rest.

Feeling Intuitives often:

  • often love being outside or working with their hands
  • Driven by the desire for transcendental love, connection, passion, and service to others
  • Emotions fused with spiritual aspirations lead to powerful inner experiences and a profound sense of life mission
  • The passion expressed through helping & healing others
  • Courageous, unusually vulnerable & sensitive
  • Feel other’s pain & emotions, will sacrifice self to help another/most giving type
  • Can unify & motivate through heart-centered passion & beliefs
  • Often take on others feelings causing confusion as to why they feel something that is not their own
  • Can often have images with strong emotions like fear or dread with world disasters/trauma
  • Can move through and use the information of these emotions by staying centered and focused
  • Need to learn their intuitive language to understand the information coming in.
  • Need to practice letting go of emotions that are not ours and learn how to read heart energy vs. emotional empathy of others.
  • Physically: suffers from allergies, chronic tiredness, adrenal exhaustion, and 2nd chakra issues.
  • They pull energy from their own reserves instead of letting go of someone else’s stuff or to healing and need to focus on letting go of what does not serve them.
  • Example:   Mother Teresa
Feeling Intuitive Human design Chart

Feeling in Your Human Design Chart

Here are the centers + gates that show how sensitive you are wired to be naturally!  Do you have any or all of them?
  • Any Solar Plexus Gates
  • Gates: 19, 50, 15, 13, 18, Channel 15-5
  • Open G, Open Sacral,
  • Open Solar Plexus

My Experience:  There are certain things in your chart that can make you more sensitive to your environment + others around you.  For me, it is my Gate 19 of Sensitivity that I have in my chart 3 times.  I really notice my sensitivity to the news or movies/TV/books that tell of intense  harm or pain to others.  I also cannot stand to watch an animal in pain.  Gate 19 is also one of the animal connection gates.  Being sensitive is not a bad thing (even though I was raised to just “suffer through it” + “suck it up”.)  Honoring my sensitivity has changed how I approach my business day as well as allowing myself to disconnect + have some alone time when I need to.

Some Challenges:  
  • You have the ability to read others’ emotions really well.  You can tell if someone is sad, angry, frustrated, and that is why people LOVE talking to you. 
  • You might have a tendency to take on others’ emotions in order to help them feel better to heal their pain.  Not healthy for you, though. 
  • Has a tendency to take on the feelings of others
  • Tends to sacrifice self to make others happy or to keep the peace
  • Needs to learn how to distinguish your emotions from others
  • Practice emotionally letting go to clear Solar Plexus
  • Speak up when feel something is off or you get a sense of dread

Protecting + Grounding:

To keep yourself from taking on what others are feeling like it’s your own, I suggest practicing placing yourself in a semi-permeable (things can flow in that are good for you + flow out that are not) bubble or white light.  I do it first thing in the morning when I get out of bed.  That way I don’t take on anything that does not serve my highest good + let go of what is not serving me.  

Another way to not take on others’ emotional energy is to ground yourself.  Grounding yourself by washing your hands, eating food that grows in the ground like root veggies + chocolate.  Being present to how your body feels will allow you the space to check in and see if something is yours or not.

Also, you always have the choice to just step away!  A change in scenery to someplace like outside in nature is great at dissipating what you are feeling especially if it is someone else’s.

Practice: This practice exersize focuses on helping you learn what feelings are yours or someone else’s.  

  • Start by sitting in a room with by yourself with one one else around you.  I often pop into my office or closet. Ask yourself, “How do I feel?”
  • Next, sit by someone else and relax taking a deep breath.  Then ask yourself what you are feeling?  Listen to what comes + how it shows up.  Then ask yourself if it is yours or if it feels a bit distant like it is someone else’s.  When I get a feeling that is someone else’s it feels like its outside of me, not around me or in me.

So, What are your other Intuitive Traits?

Click below to check out the 

Intuition in Your Human Design 

Tiny Course!

Remember, You are far more Intuitive than you might realize!

See you in the next video!


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