Cristy Nix, intuitive business coach, HD
One thing I love about being a Manifesting Generator in Business is that I know a lot of stuff about a lot of stuff.
But does that mean I need to incorporate it all together under one brand or should I split it out into multiple brands?


For me, I’ve tried to do it separately by having several different companies running at the same time.

What a LOT of work!!

Now I’ve incorporated it all under my name because it’s all part of me, right?

Here’s my thinking:  They are all facets of me and it’s so much easier to maintain + grow because it is all me. 

One Purpose.  One Brand (Me). Multi-focuses.

Yeah, sometimes you’re putting more energy into some facets than other facets, but that’s OK. 

Your energy is going to ebb + flow depending on what is inspiring you in that moment, what’s really calling to you and THAT is right for you.

MGen Brand all or nothing?

As Manifesting Generators, we are wired to do business a bit differently then our Generators + Manifestor Friends.

Some of our traits include:

  • Our purpose is to do things over + over until you master them, often skipping steps + then share the shortcuts


  • tend to move really fast, often skipping steps but might have to come back + course correct.
  • are 35% of the population.
  • need to be patient with others because they don’t move as fast.
  • have a creative flow or “zone” like a Manifestor + hate to be interrupted.
  • don’t like to be told what to do.
  • ultimately want to feel peaceful + satisfied with our work.
  • can do 9 to 5 if you are the boss or have the freedom to do it your way.
  • are multi-taskers
  • are not usually great team players + prefer to work on your own.
  • best when asked yes/no questions.
  • can see the bigger picture.
  • need multiple streams of income or we’ll self-sabotage what we have.
  • like to pivot + change business direction when something new excites you.  Don’t worry, you’ll probably come back to that other thing in a bit.
  • do best when juggling multiple balls in the air.
Being multi-faceted is one of the crazy gifts about being a Manifesting Generator in business. We often have multiple facets like multiple businesses, multiple products or passions all running at the same time.
And the truth is, if we’re not putting energy into more than one thing at a time, we tend to self sabotage the one thing that is really be going well.  We actually need other things going on at the same time to make it all work out abundantly.
So if the question is: do we focus on one thing in our business or do we focus on multiple things in our business?  One Brand or Many?

My suggestion is to do what you feel pulled to do, or what feels right for you.  We are all unique, so you do you. 

As an MGen, I found it works best for me to combine them all together into one brand!  

BUT, you need to do what feels best for you.  

For me, it feels correct combining all of my passions fit within my Life Purpose, so one brand makes more sense.  Having multiple facets together simplifies + streamlines my work plus it gives me a unique way of doing business as a Manifesting Generator.  Trying them all together and making them work is what we are here to do!
Since you are here to help show other people how to do that, you might not find anyone else who’s doing what you do.  That’s OK because you are your own unique set of gifts + passions which are different facets that all fit together to be uniquely you.
So, yes! Combine your love of space + plants with your ability to paint.  Everything is all you and how could that not be perfect together? 

With Grace + Ease my Friend!

Cristy Nix Intuition + Human Design

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