Check-in with your Emotional Solar Plexus

Does this make me happy? I love this kind of sentence + use it to check in with my Emotional Solar Plexus daily. Ask yourself before choosing the blue one or the green, “Does this make me feel happy”? ㅤ That is the question of the day. ㅤ Being emotionally defined (Hello, Human Design Chart), […]

Why your Passion Fuels your Profits

Passions = Profits for Generator Types

How does your passion help you attract more money? Have you ever heard the saying do what you love + the money will follow? Or your money is in your passion for us Generator types if we use our strategy in Human Design? For the longest time, I did not know what that really meant, […]

5 ways to start get clearer on your message, where do you start when you can’t say what you really do? Recently I was working with a client who wanted help getting clear on her message. She wanted to know what her human design said expecting an answer from there. I’ve been there myself. She had a vast knowledge of many modalities as many […]

Responding like a Manifesting Generator Type

Responding like a Manifesting Generator In Human Design, I’m an emotionally defined Manifesting Generator. Manifesting Generators make up 35% of the population and are a subset of the Generator types who make up 70% of the population on the planet which means most of you reading this are probably a generator type. Our strategy is […]

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